Gail Tan oversees the corporate communications and donor development aspects of Cru Singapore. She is also the editor for the organisation’s newsletter Ignite Movements Everywhere.
Cru Singapore (previously Singapore Campus Crusade for Christ) is part of a world-wide evangelism ministry headquartered in Orlando, Florida, with ministry presence in 191 countries. Cru Singapore is one of three area operational offices in Asia, with the other two in the Philippines and India. Founded by Bill and Vonette Bright in 1951 on the UCLA campus in California, the ministry’s mission is to build communities of multiplying disciples through reaching, building and sending.
Mr Bright died in 2003, and his memorial stone reads: “A slave of Jesus by choice. A life lived well.”
Strong Methodist Connection
By His grace, Cru Singapore has come a long way since a small group of disciples first gathered at the then University of Singapore in 1972 for the purpose of winning people to faith in Jesus Christ and building up the Body.
Today, we are planted in 10 tertiary institutions in Singapore, and our mission teams have ministered in more than 35 countries.
Our first local staff members were Nedunghat and Sally Sankaran, then active members of Ang Mo Kio Methodist Church. The Sankarans started the Housing Estate Ministry, and by 1980, had reached 50,000 homes in 25 housing estates with the Gospel. We give thanks that our past four decades have seen many milestones of evangelistic opportunities – here in Singapore and beyond our shores.
Methodists make up about 23 per cent of our staff here in Singapore, and among them, more than half have served, or are currently serving in our overseas missions.
Wilson and Pauline
Two of our long-serving staff are members of Faith Methodist Church. Wilson and Pauline Lau have been serving God full-time with Cru Singapore for over 30 years.
Mr Lau is with the Leadership Development department, while Mrs Lau currently serves as team leader of Cru Singapore’s “The Significant Woman” ministry, of which Wesley Methodist Church is a key partner. This ministry serves to disciple women and to enable them to discover God’s unique calling for them.
“I’ve led mission teams and provided missions member care, and this has helped me immensely in communicating the urgent need for missions,” said Mr Lau. “In our church’s ‘Mission 2006’ project, by God’s grace, I was able to encourage over 1,000 church members to sign up for a mission trip.”
Mr and Mrs Lau’s labour for God continues to touch the lives of many. None of this would have been possible without the continued prayer and financial support of friends and leaders at Faith Methodist Church. As all Cru staff walk a journey of faith in raising their own salary month-to-month, we are grateful and encouraged that the Methodist community has been fervent in encouraging us through their giving.
Wilson and Pauline’s lives and ministry exemplify one of Cru Singapore’s key values: serving together with the church to touch lives.
Winning The Lost Together
We have been privileged to collaborate with the Methodist community in many evangelism endeavours. “Here’s Life, Singapore” was one of the earliest such projects. This was a nation-wide movement in 1976 to 1977, which saw 110 churches reaching out to the nation in one accord.
Evangelism and follow-up training for volunteers was conducted, and concurrently, the organising committee, which included many Methodist leaders, launched an island-wide poster campaign with the message, “I found it!”. The campaign was carried on public buses and other outdoor advertisement spaces. Members of the public could then call a hotline to find out more about the campaign, and volunteers manning the hotline would then lead them through a journey of discovery about the Christian faith.
God was indeed at work! Through the campaign, 25,500 people heard the gospel, more than 9,000 of them said “yes” to a personal relationship with Jesus, and about 6,000 went on to receive follow-up from members of partnering churches.
What a beautiful picture of serving together, and seeing God’s kingdom come!
Everyone Deserves to Hear
Undergirding Cru Singapore’s work is the conviction that everyone deserves an opportunity to hear the saving message of Jesus Christ.
To fulfill our mission, Cru Singapore adopts a three-fold strategy: reach boldly (evangelism), build deeply (discipleship) and send urgently (missions). We desire to see believers built up in the faith, and sent to share with others the love and saving grace of Jesus Christ.
Our ministries span a diverse segment – we tailor our outreach to the different target audiences. For example, we harness the use of creative tools such as short films, music and conferences, like our annual year-end event for tertiary students, “Metamorphosis”, to reach a changing generation.
CAMPUS MINISTRYStudents reaching students
We seek to build a community of multiplying disciples, who are growing in their faith through discipleship groups and bringing God’s love to their campus and the nations.
HOMEMAKERS MINISTRYMums with a mission
Our Homemakers Ministry equips stay-at-home mums to be a positive influence in and outside of their homes, through small group Bible-study in homes, parenting seminars and outreach activities.
TRUTH LIVING MINISTRYYoung professionals ministry
We endeavour to help recent university graduates become effective ministers for Christ wherever they are called. This is done through small group Bible-study sessions, personal mentoring, seminars and vision trips.
THE SIGNIFICANT WOMAN Equipping women for effective ministry
Staff members partner women’s ministries from local churches to train them in discipleship and evangelism. They also conduct life and peer coaching sessions, evangelistic gatherings and leadership training. Wesley Methodist Church is a valued partner of this ministry.
HEALTHCARE MINISTRYMarrying medicine with missions
Our Healthcare Ministry provides both platform and opportunity for healthcare undergraduates and professionals to marry medicine and missions through Bible-studies and medical mission trips.
MEDIA MINISTRYPublication and distribution of resources
Our Media Ministry provides the Christian community with resources for spiritual growth and outreach through print publications, as well as seminars with renowned authors.
Go Beyond the Borders
Come with us and experience God’s power at work in the mission field!
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CRU SINGAPORE 152 Paya Lebar Road
MEDIA MINISTRY (bookstore) 15 Playfair Road #02-01”>
Pictures by Cru Singapore