Bishop's Message, Features

Bishop’s Invitation

The theme for Aldersgate SG 2015 is “Seeking the Welfare of Our City”, based on Jeremiah 29:7. Should we be concerned about our city? The answer appears obvious to most: “Yes, of course.”

“This is my home.” “I have my family and friends here.” “Here is where my future lies.”

I write this on the back of the overwhelming outpouring of grief and gratitude of Singaporeans at the passing of Mr Lee Kuan Yew, our first and founding Prime Minister. His contribution to Singapore can be best summed in his own words: “At the end of the day, what have I got? Just a successful Singapore. What have I given up? My life!”

With great determination, wisdom and courage, he was able to rally around him gifted individuals into a team and the support of many Singaporeans in the pioneer generation to build the nation. The present generation of Singaporeans is now poised to take the city further into the future.

What do we, as a Christian community in Singapore, have to contribute towards this future? What foundations of our faith, in particular our Methodist heritage, will stand us in good stead to shape the future of our city? In other words, what must we do to seek the welfare of this city?

There are many ways to explore these questions. At Aldersgate SG, we are looking in particular at how we can draw guidance and inspiration from our Methodist roots. In order that our reflection is contemporary and comparative, we will be looking at experiences from other countries as well where they also grapple with these questions.

We have invited speakers who are well-immersed in their contexts to come and share with us. There will be also be time for Q & A.

I invite you to journey with us as we seek the future welfare of our city. Shalom.


The Rev Dr Wee Boon Hup


The Methodist Church in Singapore

