Just as they thought they would be settling into a calm, tranquil retired life in Singapore after decades of working and ministry, God plucked Andre and Cathy de Winne out of their comfortable life to serve him outside of Singapore. Andre found himself writing essays and taking exams in academic French in order to qualify as a licensed pastor in France after God led both him and his wife Cathy there. This came after what was already a lengthy season of serving full-time in church, and with several faith-based organisations.
In the late 1990s, city-dwellers Louise and Loon Siong, who were already in their 50s by then and retired, responded in obedience to God’s call to spend 15 years in rural parts of East Asia. There, they often navigated difficult and treacherous terrain, and hung onto horse-drawn carts. They trained village doctors, built bridges and planned innovative solutions to bring electricity and water to remote villages.
After 22 years with the Singapore Economic Development Board, Lee Shuit Kuin brought her corporate best practices into the mission field. She rarely rested and worked hard, often foregoing home leave, till God told her that he was more interested in her, rather than in what she can do for him.
Harriet Ponnappa struggled to let go of her job as an accountant in one of the Big Four firms when God called her to full-time service. She asked him how she was going to manage with so little savings. He replied to her: “You look after my affairs and I will look after yours.” Today, at 95 years old, she continues to disciple others in the person and work of Jesus Christ.
These in-depth stories are replete with struggles, grit, heartaches, sense of “fallenness” as well as breakthroughs and triumphs. By December 2024, a total of 26 stories will be told in Our Stories, His Glory 2 (OSHG2), a legacy project by Wesley Methodist Church. Each story is a journey of faith that tells of God’s amazing love, and despite seasons where he is sometimes pushed aside, he is ever faithful, steadfast, merciful and gracious.
For the core writing team, Peggie Chan and Christina Stanley, what shone through each story was God’s unfailing love. He was always at work even during each person’s tender years, regardless of the environment they grew up in. God was always in constant pursuit to touch and transform lives, even when he was pushed aside.
Over these past 14 months, it has been an absolute privilege for the team to have spent hours, days and weeks with long-serving members, retired staff and pastors of Wesley Methodist Church.
What has inspired the team most of all are the many rich spiritual nuggets. Peggie said, “It has been an overwhelming experience as I have travelled each candidate’s journey, mulling together with them, experiencing their milestones and emotions of the ups and downs. I am humbled by the strength that God has given to each of his servants. And when I’m stuck on how best to put so many ideas, facts, aspects, dates, God-moments et cetera together to form a coherent whole, I forget that he’s the eternal creator. He is the centrepiece in each story, it is about his ways and our submission to him. Indeed, his hand is firmly on the helm. I remember workmen at a nearby construction site graciously downing tools for us, so that our video shoot session would not be disturbed by the loud drilling noise!”
Corinne Lam, who has been a church member since 1988 shared, “I remember being very inspired by the testimonies in the first edition of OSHG. This time round, I’ve read all the uploaded stories. I know many of these people personally but didn’t know their struggles especially in their earlier days. God is indeed ever so faithful. Now, after reading these stories, I’m encouraged to tell my own story, and I guess my granddaughter will be my first audience!”
For the team, every aspect has been a precious lesson. Christina reflected, “Both Peggie and I have been richly blessed, including learning new skills, like scripting and producing videos! We’ve had the best front-row seats in the house, as candidates have taken us into their confidence, often sharing candid and honest, even difficult appraisals of their journeys. Kwok Sian Yee, one of the candidates featured, was a client of mine in the 1980s when I worked in an advertising agency. Armed with a strong empathy for seniors, she left the private sector to work at Wesley in a role that required completely different skillsets. Today, she has retired, but I continue to be inspired by her ongoing zest and zeal for life, and lifelong learning.”
Currently, the stories can be read on the dedicated OSHG2 website, as well as on Wesley Methodist Church’s Telegram and Facebook accounts. By February 2025, a printed book will be launched as part of Wesley Methodist Church’s 140th anniversary celebrations.
In 2005, the first edition of Our Stories, His Glory was launched as a printed book to mark Wesley Methodist Church’s 120th anniversary. Twenty-six stories were told in this first edition, and they included the testimonies of many who have since gone home to the Lord, like Mrs Gnana Thevathasan, Dr Robert Loh, Prof Khoo Oon Teik, Ng Kwee Choo, Mrs Sylvia Kho, Mrs Margaret Goh, Dr Oliver Seet, Liau Nyuk Siong, Lucy and Nee Sian Chen, Mrs Ee Chin Kwok and G D Balakarishnan.
Our Stories, His Glory 2 is the second edition with stories being rolled out online, culminating in a printed book to be launched as part of Wesley Methodist Church’s 140th anniversary celebrations in February 2025.
By September 2024, Our Stories, His Glory 2 will offer 18 testimonies and life stories: Dorothy Wong, Lee Shuit Kuin, Frances Lim, Leow Kim Liat, Harriet Ponnappa, Andre & Cathy de Winne, Peter & Doris Chow, Sonny Chuah, Louise & Loon Siong Fong, Kwok Sian Yee, Rev Dr Isaac Lim & Dr Shirley Lim, Philip Oh, Tony Ting, Rev Michael Tan, Loh Hoe Peng, Emily Lai, Ian & Madeleine Chng and David Wong.
Two new stories will be uploaded each month till December 2024.
Uploaded stories may also be found on WMC’s Telegram channel and Facebook page.