Outreach, Welfare

MWS helmed by familiar faces, honours pioneers

THE Methodist Welfare Services (MWS) saw the return of familiar faces to serve on its highest governing body, now called the Board of Governance, at its recent Annual General Meeting (AGM).

Held at Sophia Blackmore Hall, Methodist Centre, the Sept 8 AGM saw Mrs Tan Ee Leng, Mr Albert Lim, Mr Chan Kum Kit, Mrs Ng Soo Kheng, Mr David Wong and Mr Chim Howe Lai assume the posts of Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Honorary Secretary, Assistant Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer and Assistant Honorary Treasurer respectively.

The Board members are Mrs Loh Chay Leng, Mr Peter Foo, Mrs Veronica Poore, Mr John Tan and Mr Joseph Toh. Their two-year tenure took effect immediately.

Re-appointed as legal counsel and auditors were Mr Indra Raj Jeyaraj and TeoFoongWongLCLoong respectively.

The AGM also approved the provisions of the revised Constitution, which spells out, among other things, the expanded powers and functions of the Board of Governance, the name change for the Management and Branch Committees and other matters recommended by the National Council of Social Service and the Registry of Societies.

Citations were read and plaques and certificates of appreciation were presented to these officers who had stepped down: Mr Timothy Yen, Mrs Woo Chu Sin, Mr David Ong, Mrs Heng Lim-Gaik Kee and Mr Christopher Tay.

Those who were unable to attend were acknowledged at a later date.

The evening’s event concluded with a tea party honouring MWS pioneers. Among those who turned up were wheelchair-bound Mr Richard Tambyah, together with his wife Angeline and daughter Christine, Mr Khoo Hock Nam, Mr David Ong, Mr Yap Chip Guan, Ms Susan Verghese and Mrs Veronica Poore. The pioneers had a wonderful fellowship reminiscing about the “good old days”.

Days later when MWS staff visited Mr Tambyah at his home, he said it was a joy to have met old friends from the MWS and he hoped that such gatherings would be held at least once a year.

Mel Lee is the Assistant Manager (Communications) of the Methodist Welfare Services.

