As Methodists, hymnody is more than musical faith expression—it is theology set to music. Having served in the music ministry since the millennial turn, sacred music has helped deepen our faith. A decade ago, heeding the call to “sing to the Lord a new song”, we started composing pieces that we hoped would reflect timeless Christian truths, faith journeys and spiritual struggles.
Our songwriting journey began with reflections on service (The Reason We Serve / 服事根源) and celebrating God’s work in our church (造物的一双手). When we encountered suffering and challenges, we captured these in song (Even In The Valley / 就算身在幽谷). We have also been privileged to set Bishop Emeritus Dr Robert Solomon’s inspiring words to music (Lord, You Are Always There; Triune God We Worship You / 三一神我众敬拜祢; and My Life Is In Your Hands).
Recognising that Christian songs must be theologically sound and aesthetically rich, we have been blessed by the wise counsel of those more learned than us in these areas. We have also been encouraged by many who, having encountered our pieces, reached out to share their own spiritual journeys. These exchanges strengthened our faith and allowed us to witness the impact that truth-filled music can have on the body of Christ. Praise God for the gift of music. As our inaugural composition exhorts, his glory is the reason we serve!
Justin and Shengyu’s compositions are published on their YouTube channel. Scan the QR code to view videos.