“He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.” The words of Ecclesiastes 3:11 (NIV) remind us that to be a Christian is to acknowledge our temporality; to be awakened to the way history inhabits us and is inhabited by us. We work to discern the spiritual repercussions of a history that precedes us, lives in us and shapes the future to which we are called.
With such a revered cognisance of the weight of history, delegates of the 49th Session of the Chinese Annual Conference (CAC) gathered at Charis Methodist Church from 11 to 14 November 2024. The outgoing President, Rev Dr Gregory Goh, had served for two quadrennia and was ineligible for re-election due to age. Rev Lek Yong Teck, who was Pastor-in-Charge of Bukit Panjang Methodist Church, was elected as CAC President.
In his final President’s Address, Rev Goh shared with the delegates some reflections from his eight years in office. In sum, they are:
Guarding and passing on the pure gospel of faith
Rev Goh reflected on challenges to orthodoxy and Christian morality, especially in the area of sexuality. He had observed first-hand the United Methodist Church’s decisions to change the definition of marriage and to ordain LGBTQ pastors. Noting that these challenges are not simply outside our shores, but are at our doorstep, he urged CAC churches to continue to grow in the right use of our voice, especially concerning matters of morality. Using the repeal of Section 377A as an example, he reminded the delegates to continue to engage the authorities wisely and winsomely for the sake of the common good.
Furthering the disciple-making movement among our local churches
Rev Goh also highlighted the need to continue the good work CAC has done in focusing on disciple-making. Referring to statistics released in the Lausanne Movement’s State of the Great Commission report last year, Rev Goh pointed out how researchers think that there are 100+ million professing disciples due to disciple-making movements worldwide. In addition, they estimate that over 9 million churches have emerged from church planting movements. Rev Goh surmised that the Wesleyan distinctives of social holiness and entire sanctification, and the methodical way in which the Wesleyans’ organised church life can also be considered a kind of disciple-making movement—insofar as those methods inspired more than just unthinking programmatic repetition, but an ethos of discipleship. It was not the system that made disciples, but their commitment to make disciples that led to a systemic approach.
Encouraged by CAC’s progress, but eager for the work to continue, Rev Goh urged delegates to “press on until disciple-making becomes habitual and instinctive until it is synonymous with our nature”. Part of that is making a “kingdom impact in every sphere of society”. To further this movement of whole-life discipleship, CAC will continue to flesh out and publish its own Illumine Christian worldview curriculum.
The need for intentional leadership development and succession
Turning his attention to intentional leadership succession, Rev Goh encouraged resources to be allocated at every level of CAC life, from the local church to the Annual Conference.
In order to exemplify the kind of intergenerational ministry needed to make this happen, Rev Goh shared that, as President, he intentionally scheduled regular meetings with the District Superintendents (DS) and the Board of Ministry (BOM) Chairperson. These meetings gave him the opportunity to make decisions collaboratively. He also led a yearly retreat with them, to foster friendship and ministry planning. DS “interns” were also introduced for intentional leadership grooming. In this way, leadership and succession become a shared commitment and responsibility rather than being driven purely by one individual’s personality.
At the World Federation of Chinese Methodist Churches last year, he also began a biennial fellowship of DSes, BOM chairpersons and Presidents for Malaysia Chinese Annual Conferences (West Malaysia, Sarawak, Sabah) and CAC to learn and connect the younger leaders.
Quoting the poet, T S Eliot, “Where is the Life we have lost in living? Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge?”, Rev Goh cautioned CAC not to fall to the false choice of choosing between the young or the old. “We all have a shared mission,” he said, “and age should not be a barrier to either receiving or sharing the manifold gifts of the Holy Spirit given to the communion of saints formed by his power.”
In the spirit of reception, therefore, Rev Goh shared with the delegates that the recently-concluded 13th Session of the General Conference of The Methodist Church in Singapore has approved CAC’s petition on Retirement Age for Election of Episcopacy and Presidencies, and will amend the Book of Discipline with respect to its provisions on retirement age for the election of Episcopacy and Presidencies, to allow for elders who have not exceeded retirement age in the year of election to be eligible for election. These amendments will take effect from the regular session of the 14th Session of the General Conference.
Continue to celebrate the distinct charisms of the Chinese Annual Conference
History once again took centre stage, as Rev Goh reminded delegates that “the story of CAC is a rich and textured history of Chinese culture, dialects and people groups, which continues to the present day.” In particular, “the history of CAC helps us to locate ourselves within the mission of God amongst a particular strand of the breathless expanse of peoples, nations and tongues of the earth”. He drew the origins of this gift to Pentecost, where the various tongues were not erased. Each disciple could hear and understand each other in their native language.
Further explicating his point, Rev Goh shared that our ability to situate ourselves in God’s story in Singapore was augmented by the discovery of the 100-year-old time capsule at Telok Ayer Chinese Methodist Church. This has given us a precious glimpse of our forebears in the faith from 1924. The precious artefacts, like the Chinese translation of the 1784 Book of Discipline, connect us back to our forefathers and remind us that we are recipients of a legacy of faith dating back long before we were on God’s earth and that, if we remain faithful to God, will continue long after we are gone.
A continued commitment to central pooling
The history of CAC contains many milestones worth celebrating, and Rev Goh brought a recent one to mind in his closing address: central pooling. This is CAC’s 6th year after a historic vote for central pooling in the 43rd Session in 2018. Taking the opportunity to thank all CAC churches for their sacrifices, contributions, and remarkable commitment to the body of Christ in building up one another, Rev Goh shared about the many benefits central pooling has made possible in CAC.
For example, leadership succession and pastoral appointments can now be discussed and confirmed much earlier. Conference projects, such as the CAC counselling ministry and Illumine, were also funded from the central pool. A salary scale revision was completed, resulting in better benefits for CAC pastors. This encourages younger applicants with growing families to join the pastoral ministry in confidence that the Conference cares for their needs.
Most of all, after central pooling, the appointment system ensures that local churches can now have pastors appointed to them that better reflect their needs, and not just their balance sheet. Rev Goh rightly concluded that, “We can all agree that an appointment system where pastors are no longer appointed based on finances is a laudable development.”
The requirement for sensitive and courageous responses to the needs of society
Rev Goh’s final exhortation was for CAC to respond to societal needs boldly. He mentioned the ministry to special needs families, which has already taken shape under the CAC Board of Family Life (BOFL), and which will find particular expression in a special needs school and church in Tengah. He also announced an inaugural Special Needs Ministry Conference on 31 May 2025 at Bukit Panjang Methodist Church, jointly organised by the BOFL and Koinonia Inclusion Network.
Other societal needs that CAC has responded to under Rev Goh’s presidency are: a renewed commitment to chaplaincy and ministry in schools, the mental health crisis and the need for counselling, and creation care. Rev Goh highlighted some initiatives, such as partnering with the creation care organisation, Our Father’s World (formerly Creation Care Sg), to understand CAC’s carbon emissions inventory through electricity usage.
At the closing service of the 49th Session, CAC witnessed the ordination of a deacon, Rev Michael Lee, an elder, Rev Shawn Koh, as well as the retirement of four pastors: Rev Nathanael Chew, Rev Jacqueline Ho, Rev Lui Yuan Tze, and Rev Dr Niam Kai Huey. We also celebrated the installation of CAC’s new President, Rev Lek Yong Teck. In all this, we are reminded of the truth that “God makes everything suitable for its time.” God, who has redeemed time, does not undo, efface, or erase our personal histories but gathers them all up, taking up what time has wrought. The unknown future beckons. Yet we need not know every detail in advance. We need only trust that our histories sail into an eternal future with God who will make all things new, an eternity that will bear the marks of our now.
Chinese Annual Conference President 华人年议会会长
Rev Lek Yong Teck 陸永德牧师
District One
教区长 DS:
江宗大牧师Rev Christopher Louis Kong Chung Dai
芽笼堂 Geylang Chinese Methodist Church
主理 Pastor-in-charge
石训深牧师 Rev Simon Cheo Hsun Shen
协理 Associate Pastor
陈元昌牧师 Rev Chin Yan Chong
Paya Lebar CMC / Paya Lebar Methodist Mission
主理 Pastor-in-charge
许亚才牧师(博士)Rev Dr David Koh Ah Chye
协理 Associate Pastors
黄明娇牧师 Rev Ng Beng Keow
廖惠安牧师 Rev Wilfred Leow Hui Ann
梅国耀牧师 Rev Boey Kok Yeow
庄炳亮牧师(博士) Rev Dr Alex Chng Peng Lian
雷远智牧师 Rev Lui Yuan Tze
樟宜堂 Changi Methodist Church
王美娇牧师 Rev Ong Bee Keow (dual appt)
颂恩堂 Charis Methodist Church
主理 Pastor-in-charge
吴钧杰牧师Rev Jasper Ngoh Jun Jie
协理 Associate Pastors
苏圻利牧师Rev Peter Soh Kee Lie
蔡伟山牧师Rev Chua Ooi Suah
盛港堂 Sengkang Methodist Church
主理 Pastor-in-charge
吴毅华牧师 Rev Andy Goh Yik Wah
协理 Associate Pastors
俞丽鑫牧师Rev Lisa Yu Li Hsin
许巽然牧师 Rev Shawn Koh Shin Jan
王美娇牧师 (兼) Rev Ong Bee Keow (dual appt)
隶属 Attachment
吴俊强牧师(博士)Rev Dr Nathanael Goh Jun Chuen
District Two
教区长 DS:
吴毅华牧师 Rev Andy Goh Yik Wah
Telok Ayer Chinese Methodist Church / TA2
主理 Pastor-in-charge
许立欣牧师 Rev Edmund Koh Lik Hng
协理 Associate Pastors
林恩信牧师 Rev Irman Halim
陈书铭牧师 Rev Glenn Tan Tze Meng
曾国华牧师Rev Patrick Chen Guek Fah
林明忠牧师 Rev Lin Ming Zhong
助理 Assistant Pastor
李丽萍牧师 Rev Sharon Lee Li Ping
武吉班让堂 Bukit Panjang Methodist Church
主理 Pastor-in-charge
江宗大牧师 Rev Christopher Louis Kong Chung Dai
协理 Associate Pastors
程文喜牧师 Rev Paul Thian Moon Hee
林爱莉牧师 Rev Anne Lim Ai Lei
林国柱牧师 Rev Patrick Lim Kok Chu
助理 Assistant Pastor
郑有祥牧师 Rev Teh You Siong
传道 Preacher
李乐恩传道 Pr Jason Lee Le’En
隶属 Attachment
陈英意牧师 Rev Erick Tan Eng Ghee
白瑞健牧师(博士)Rev Dr Andrew Peh Swee Kian
恩典堂 Grace Methodist Church
主理 Pastor-in-charge
尤永深牧师(博士)Rev Dr Ian Jew Yun Shern
协理 Associate Pastor
陈杨丽旋牧师Rev Tan-Yeo Lay Suan
助理 Assistant Pastors
杨泳泰牧师 Rev Gareth Yeo Yong Tai
李瑞缘牧师 Rev Michael Lee Swee Yan
恩约堂Holy Covenant Methodist Church
主理 Pastor-in-charge
吴晓宁牧师 Rev Florence Ngu Siew Ning
协理 Associate Pastor
洪培正牧师 Rev Timothy Ang Pei-Zheng
District Three
教区长 DS:
何秋吟牧师 Rev Helen Hoe Chiew Ngin
福灵堂 Foochow Methodist Church
主理 Pastor-in-charge
刘昌耀牧师 Rev Lau Chong Yaw
协理 Associate Pastor
崔平和牧师 Rev Peace Choi Pyong Hwa
传道 Preacher
谭永正传道 Pr Tham Wen Chen
天道堂 Hinghwa Methodist Church
主理 Pastor-in-charge
周伟平牧师 Rev Chu Vee Ping
协理 Associate Pastors
周美丽牧师 Rev Cynthia Choo Bee Lay
严家慧牧师(博士)Rev Dr Niam Kai Huey
感恩堂 Kum Yan Methodist Church
主理 Pastor-in-charge
胡文莹牧师 Rev Stefanie Oh Wen-Ying
助理 Assistant Pastor
陈勇畅牧师 Rev Joseph Chen Yong Chang
隶属 Attachment
何威达牧师(博士)Rev Dr Wilfred Ho Wai Tat
天恩堂 Hakka Methodist Church
主理 Pastor-in-charge
沈圣奇牧师 Rev Jasper Sim Shenq Chyi
协理 Associate Pastor
周永斌牧师 Rev Nathanael Chew Eng Pin
义顺北宣堂 Yishun Methodist Mission
主理 Pastor-in-charge
庄俊勇牧师 Rev Bernard Chng Chun Yong
传道 Preacher
叶瑶力传道 Pr Esther Yek Yew Lik
District Four
教区长 DS:
刘昌耀牧师 Rev Lau Chong Yaw
女皇镇堂 Queenstown Chinese Methodist Church
主理 Pastor-in-charge
林天源牧师 Rev Ling Tieng Ngung
协理 Associate Pastors
宾升泰牧师 Rev Peter Pan Seng Tai
苏伟峰牧师 Rev Eric Soh Wai Foon
何秀芳牧师 Rev Jacqueline Ho Sow Fong
王海斌牧师 Rev Wang Hai Bin
宏茂桥堂 Ang Mo Kio Chinese Methodist Church
主理 Pastor-in-charge
吴丽真牧师 Rev Tack Ng Lai Chun
协理 Associate Pastor
吴乃力牧师(博士)Rev Dr Gregory Goh Nai Lat
传道 Preacher
黄敬权传道 Pr Jonathan Huang Jingquan
大巴窑堂 Toa Payoh Chinese Methodist Church
主理 Pastor-in-charge
何秋吟牧师 Rev Helen Hoe Chiew Ngin
协理 Associate Pastor
王志翔牧师 Rev Joshua Ong Chee Xiang
卫理宣教会宣教士 Missionaries with MMS:
李文英牧师 Rev Cassandra Lee Boon Eng
卫理宣教会宣教分析、重组和发展中心主任 Director, Centre for Missions Analysis, Reconstruction and Development (MMS):
陈英意牧师 Rev Erick Tan Eng Ghee
庄炳亮牧师(博士) Rev Dr Alex Chng Peng Lian
林爱莉牧师 Rev Anne Lim Ai Lei
庄俊勇牧师 Rev Bernard Chng Chun Yong
梅国耀牧师 Rev Boey Kok Yeow
江宗大牧师 Rev Christopher Louis Kong Chung Dai
周美丽牧师 Rev Cynthia Choo Bee Lay
许亚才牧师(博士)Rev Dr David Koh Ah Chye
许立欣牧师 Rev Edmund Koh Lik Hng
杨泳泰牧师 Rev Gareth Yeo Yong Tai
陈书铭牧师 Rev Glenn Tan Tze Meng
林恩信牧师 Rev Irman Halim
吴钧杰牧师 Rev Jasper Ngoh Jun Jie
沈圣奇牧师 Rev Jasper Sim Shenq Chyi
陈勇畅牧师 Rev Joseph Chen Yong Chang
王志翔牧师 Rev Joshua Ong Chee Xiang
雷远智牧师 Rev Lui Yuan Tze
李瑞缘牧师 Rev Michael Lee Swee Yan
黄明娇牧师 Rev Ng Beng Keow
王美娇牧师 Rev Ong Bee Keow
曾国华牧师 Rev Patrick Chen Guek Fah
林国柱牧师 Rev Patrick Lim Kok Chu
程文喜牧师 Rev Paul Thian Moon Hee
崔平和牧师 Rev Peace Choi Pyong Hwa
宾昇泰牧师 Rev Peter Pan Seng Tai
石训深牧师 Rev Simon Cheo Hsun Shen
陈杨丽旋牧师 Rev Tan-Yeo Lay Suan
郑有祥牧师 Rev Teh You Siong
洪培正牧师 Rev Timothy Ang Pei-Zheng
廖惠安牧师 Rev Wilfred Leow Hui Ann
李乐恩传道 Pr Jason Lee Le’En
黄敬权传道 Pr Jonathan Huang Jingquan
三一神学院院长及讲师 Trinity Theological College Principal & Lecturer:
郑益民牧师(博士)Rev Dr Edwin Tay Ed Min
三一神学院讲师及华人年议会三一神学生院牧 Lecturers at Trinity Theological College & Chaplains to CAC Students at Trinity Theological College:
何威达牧师(博士)Rev Dr Wilfred Ho Wai Tat
隶属:感恩堂Local Church Attachment: Kum Yan MC
白瑞健牧师(博士)Rev Dr Andrew Peh Swee Kian
隶属:武吉班让堂 Local Church Attachment: Bukit Panjang MC
吴俊强牧师(博士)Rev Dr Nathanael Goh Jun Chuen
隶属:盛港堂Local Church Attachment: Sengkang MC
华人年议会三一神学生女院牧Lady Chaplains to CAC Students at Trinity Theological College:
何秋吟牧师 Rev Helen Hoe Chiew Ngin
储备讲师 Faculty in Development:
洪培正牧师 Rev Timothy Ang Pei-Zheng
年会神学生 Conference Theological Students:
杨斐文 Kyle Yeo (M.Div. Year 2)
杨思胜 Nigel Yeo (M.Div. Year 1)
学校圣工副主任 Associate Director of Christian Ministry in Schools:
许立欣牧师 Rev Edmund Koh Lik Hng
吴钧杰牧师 Rev Jasper Ngoh Jun Jie
重聘退休教牧 Re-engagement of Retired Pastors:
程文喜牧师 Rev Paul Thian Moon Hee
蔡伟山牧师 Rev Chua Ooi Suah (Part Time)
严家慧牧师(博士) Rev Dr Niam Kai Huey (Part-Time)
周永斌牧师 Rev Nathanael Chew Eng Pin (Starting Feb 2025)
何秀芳牧师 Rev Jacqueline Ho Sow Fong (Starting Feb 2025)
雷远智牧师 Rev Lui Yuan Tze (Starting Feb 2025)
四宗乐龄学院院长 Principal, Four Denominations Institute of Elderly:
邱仁发牧师(义务) Rev Khoo Cheng Hoot (Honorary)