In early 1885, the work of the Methodists began in Singapore through missionaries Bishops James Thoburn and William Oldham. The early team of missionaries focused on education, social outreach and medical work. Within the first year of establishing the first Methodist church (now Wesley Methodist Church), Bishop Oldham established the Anglo-Chinese School (ACS). Through the ministry of Bishops Thoburn and Oldham, many came to know the Lord.
More than a century later, The Methodist Church in Singapore continued in the same spirit as our pioneers in ministry. In 1998, through the leadership of Barker Road Methodist Church (BRMC), a Preaching Point @ ACS(I) was established within the premises of Anglo-Chinese School (Independent) at 121 Dover Road.
Five years later, on 20 April 2003, Preaching Point @ ACS(I) became Living Waters Methodist Church (LWMC). Today, LWMC is a vibrant, intergenerational community focused on living out our motto: “To Know and Proclaim Jesus Christ – the Way, the Truth and the Life”.
As we look to the future, we acknowledge that God has called LWMC to be:
A Centre of His Presence
– we desire to have His presence in all that we do
A Community of His People
– we are committed to growing together in Christ-likeness as an intergenerational ekklesia
A Channel of His Purpose
– we minister to God and people as a royal priesthood
On 9 April 2023, over 400 members and guests gathered as one church family to celebrate 20 years of God’s faithfulness by participating in our worship service, anniversary lunch and mini-carnival. That day, we went home with our hearts warmed and our tummies full. May God continue to build up our community here at LWMC.
A song, “Rivers of Life”, was written to commemorate LWMC’s 20th anniversary. Stories of God’s love and faithfulness to his people were also recorded in our 20th anniversary commemorative book titled Into A Mighty Torrent. It is our prayer that these stories of faith will be passed down through generations, so many more will be able to taste and see that our Lord is good.
LWMC meets onsite and online for worship at 10 am every Sunday, followed by Children’s Ministry, Youth Ministry and Life Groups. We recognise the responsibility of being called Living Waters Methodist Church—we are a church empowered by God’s living waters, who will go forth as one mighty torrent for his Kingdom’s purposes.
Rivers of Life
Music and Lyrics by Michael Cheong, Eugene Yeo, Joshua Hoe and Huang Yufang
You rescued us out of murky waters
Your gentle voice, our comfort in our fear
You’ve stayed with us through the trials and terrors
Faithful through all generations
You heard our cry
We put our trust in You
Praise to the Lord, mighty is Your hand
We are Your people, by Your grace we stand
May Your Spirit fill us till we overflow
O Lord! Let us be rivers of life for You!
Take our hands
Take our feet
Take every breath, each word, each song
Every crown
At Your feet
Every moment, to You belongs
Take our hands
Take our feet
Take every breath, each word, each song
We bow down
At Your feet
Lord have it all, we are Yours
To view Living Waters Methodist Church’s 20th anniversary book, visit