Isaac Lim chairs conference for the last time
HOSTED by Faith Methodist Church at its new sanctuary and worship hall at Commonwealth Drive, the 29th Session of Trinity Annual Conference (TRAC) was chaired by its President, the Rev Dr Isaac Lim, for the last time.
The highlight of the four-day conference was the election of a new President, the Rev Wee Boon Hup, who secured the two-thirds majority vote on the 23rd ballot on the last day of the conference. At the conclusion of the elections, he thanked the conference for electing him to high office, asked for under-standing and support, and prayers to sustain him in his task Also of significance was the creation of a third District – Central – and the appoint-ment of the Rev Melvin Huang, Pastor-in-Charge of Wesley Methodist Church, as its District Superintendent.
The Rev Dr Jonathan Seet, Pastor-in-Charge of Pentecost Methodist Church, was appointed the new District Superintendent East. The Rev Wee was the previous District Superintendent East.
The Rev Dr Daniel Koh was re-ap-pointed District Superintendent West.
During the conference session, the Rev Dr Lim gave his last Presidential Address and announced his impending retirement.
The conference also welcomed the visit of the Rev Brian Fletcher, President of the Irish Methodist Conference, who preached to a receptive congregation at the three noon-day worship services.
In his Presidential Address, the Rev Dr Lim summarised various initiatives taken during his 12-year stewardship.
They included Prayer, which had been an important focal point undergirding all that TRAC had sought to do as a conference. The Hour of Renewal series, begun in 1998, eventually developed into the International Prayer Conference for Wesleyans in Renewal, the highlight of the quadrennium.
A second initiative was in Missions with the setting up of the Cambodian Ministry, TRAC’s Regionalisation Programme, and the Myanmar Pastors’ School.
A third initiative was establishing the Board of Youth Ministry, which had given way to the TRUTH (TRAC Youth) Min- istry. It was sup-ported by the creation of the Board on Di-aconal Ministry with nine persons, of whom, three (the Revs Dianna Khoo, See Swee Fang and Nga Mee Hee) have taken the pastoral route. An important aspect of the Youth Ministry was establishing the Third Place Preaching Point at the Hope Centre.
The development of leadership and succession included a number of Confer-ences of Youth Methodist Leaders and the mentoring of pastors.
The attempts made to raise the texture of conference solidarity came through holding Conference Sunday, the publication of ONTRAC, the TRAC website, and moving the TRAC office from a one-room office to the present facility at Methodist Centre. Also initiated were the “Four by Four” meetings of the President, Vice-President, the two District Superintend-ents, the Chairmen of the Boards of Ministry and Finance, the Conference Lay Leader and Associate meeting from time to time to deal with anticipated and emerging issues.
There were several new areas of ministry – a Children’s Task Force, the Seniors Ministry, a Crisis Relief Task Force, and the Employment Assistance Scheme.
Finally, two new Local Conferences and Preaching Points were formed, TRAC growing from 15 Local Conferences to 18, while TRAC sponsored the building of two churches – Methodist Church of the Incar-nation and Living Hope Methodist Church.
The elections for quadrennial officers were carried out with despatch and Dr Wu Dar Ching was re-elected Vice-President for another two-year term.
TRAC celebrated the 12 years of lead-ership by the Rev Dr Lim, the outgoing Presi-dent, at a Thanksgiving Service followed by a Fellowship Dinner on Nov 24.
The conclusion of the 29th Session of TRAC was held on the evening of Nov 25 with the Ordination Service at which four new Elders (the Revs Lilian Ang Siew Kee, Chiang Ming Shun, Peter Koh Yong Chye and Edwin Wong Eng Wei) and three Deacons (Pastors Barnabas Chong Chien Chih, William Sam Kin Leong and Terence Yeo Ah Sen) received their credentials. Bishop Dr Robert Solomon conducted the ordinations.